Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Foretravel Tail Light Upgrade, Part ll

One of the possible problems that 'could' effect the new tail lights, is that the electronics in the back of the new lights might be damaged by water.  On the vehicles they were designed for, like the Ford Excursion, the tail light fits into a sealed/water tight compartment.  On the Foretravel, the area the lights fit into, are open to moisture.

So, I added a 'breathable splash shield'.

 I built a shield over transistors, to protect new LED lights from water damage.. Plastic atop then, Scotch Bright pads/silicone.
It allows 'breathing' and heat dissipation and also allows gravity to take molecules then hitting the surface of the Scotch brights, 'down' and away from resistor circuits via gravity.

 Ten minutes per light, and the job was done/protecting the resistors.