Rabu, 01 November 2017
Minimizing Water Usage
I just wrote something on one of my favorite RV sites that I thought I should just ADD to my blog, so here goes!
OK, gonna hang it 'out on a limb' here...
We are Sailors as well as land bound 'Travelers' in our RV. Methods learned from nautical cruising for more than 30 years have graced us with some wisdom, --- that is appropriate to land travel too.
At this point, we should agree that: ....'Limiting what you 'put water IN a holding tank, can extend the time between Dump Station Visits'.
For Showering, we use land based showers at State and Private Campgrounds but when in more remote locations.....to save Drinkable Water and Grey Water Tank levels, we use a 'Solar Shower 2.5 gallon bag and NOT our built in shower, unless necessary'. On our boat and RV, we heat up the water-only a bit with Sun Light(2 hours maybe)- so there is no scorching, but in the RV, if we need it, we fill the plastic bag with some water out of our tank-then add a tea/coffee pot volume of water heated by our propane stove-then top off the rest of the bag with more tap water.
This gives us a pleasant temperature... and power 'efficient' - shower.
....When appropriate.... we hang the 2.5 gallon Solar Shower Bag, on the rear of our rig's roof ladder 'or, if more comfortable' a tree limb ......and enjoy our shower..........after dark. We read that sink and shower water can be used for watering our garden plants, so why not 'mother nature's'?
When not using this method we can go a week or more without need to empty our grey water tanks at Dump Stations.
In the galley, we opt to use a Moen single handle control for supply of water[recently purchased at Home Depot, NOT OEM], with a fine/minimal.... 'spritzer'.... to rinse dishes. This uses much less water; rather than the FULL FLOW of water available!!
IF, you do not 'put water IN a tank, you do not have to EMPTY a tank'. ;)
We do make it a practice of emptying both tanks once a week when possible
Simplification works without minimizing life's pleasures or responsibilities.